2022-06-09, kl: 15:56
"... och dessutom psykolog. 2 augusti Katrine Marcal , journalist och författare 6 augusti Anna-Karin Palm , författare 15 augusti Jacques Mwepu , chef Kumlaanstalten som ska ta med oss innanför murarna och berätta om livet där. 16 augusti Lusine Djanyan ..."
"... juli Josef Fares , spelutvecklare, regissör, manusförfattare 13 juli Bengt-Einar “Sotarn” Johansson , Lyssnarnas Sommarvärd, entreprenör som ska prata om sitt liv. 17 juli Oscar Magnusson , artist som tagit över sin pappas plats som sångare i Sven ..."
2022-06-09, kl: 14:25
", student i Lviv, Ukraina 13 juli Bengt-Einar “Sotarn” Johansson , Lyssnarnas Sommarvärd, entreprenör 14 juli Sara Hector , alpin skidåkare 15 juli Jacob De Geer , entreprenör, grundare iZettle 16 juli Mia Parnevik , tv-profil 17 juli Oscar Magnusson ..."
", journalist, författare 3 augusti Siw Malmkvist , artist 4 augusti Sebastian Stakset , rappare 5 augusti Farshid Jalalvand , forskare, medicinsk mikrobiolog 6 augusti Anna-Karin Palm , författare 7 augusti Amy Deasismont , skådespelare ..."
2022-05-12, kl: 07:29
", photographed by Walfrid Bergstrom, and I kladloge och pascen , photographed by Otto Bokman. Charles Magnusson, who came to the United States, directed and wrote The Pirate and Memories from the Boston Sports Club in 1909 and Orpheus in the Underworld ( Urfeus i underjorden ) in 1910. Magnusson in 1909 had become the managing director of Svenska Biografteatern, which Julius Jaenzon become part of in 1910. Notably, while under N. E. Sterner of Svensk Kinematograf, Charles Magnusson had photographed ..."
2022-03-19, kl: 14:08
"Född som Anna-Karin KISA Magnusson den 14 maj 1949 i Kisa Östergötland. Död den 5 januari 2003 i Nacka. Hon uppträdde i bl a gruppen Heta Linjen med Janne "Loffe" Karlsson, Bernt Egerbladh, Ulf Andersson, Olle Holmqvist m fl. Hon har turnerat med Janne ... - Läs hela inlägget här ..."
2022-01-15, kl: 23:56
"Sound and Moving Images. It cannot be overlooked that under a section entitled Early Film Fragments, the Swedish Film Society offers an online screening of one of the early films of Charles Magnusson , filmed in 1908, which can be included as part ..."
"... to the contribution of Charles Magnusson to the history, Bengt Forslund records, and records only, "In 1905, together with a friend, he took over the Gothenburg Cinematograph, where he also showed his own newsreels and in the following year he opened his first ..."
2022-01-15, kl: 23:56
"Sound and Moving Images. It cannot be overlooked that under a section entitled Early Film Fragments, the Swedish Film Society offers an online screening of one of the early films of Charles Magnusson , filmed in 1908, which can be included as part ..."
"... to the contribution of Charles Magnusson to the history, Bengt Forslund records, and records only, "In 1905, together with a friend, he took over the Gothenburg Cinematograph, where he also showed his own newsreels and in the following year he opened his first ..."
2021-12-19, kl: 07:47
", som blickarna dras till särskilt, som Wiman, Croneman, Magnusson (fast nu skriver hon visst ledare, så man vet inte säkert när det är hon), Schottenius, Walden, och för all del chefredaktören själv, Wolodarski. Men, eftersom jag gillade Schulmans ..."
"... och gripande. Den rekommenderar jag gärna. Den handlar om en kärlekshistoria och ett triangeldrama från förra hälften av förra seklet men också om författarens egen roll i släktdramats fortsättning. Huvudrollerna spelas av mormor och morfar Karin och Sven ..."
2021-08-18, kl: 23:16
"Sound and Moving Images. It cannot be overlooked that under a section entitled Early Film Fragments, the Swedish Film Society offers an online screening of one of the early films of Charles Magnusson , filmed in 1908, which can be included as part ..."
"... to the contribution of Charles Magnusson to the history, Bengt Forslund records, and records only, "In 1905, together with a friend, he took over the Gothenburg Cinematograph, where he also showed his own newsreels and in the following year he opened his first ..."
2021-07-29, kl: 21:19
", photographed by Walfrid Bergstrom, and I kladloge och pascen , photographed by Otto Bokman. Charles Magnusson, who came to the United States, directed and wrote The Pirate and Memories from the Boston Sports Club in 1909 and Orpheus in the Underworld ( Urfeus i underjorden ) in 1910. Magnusson in 1909 had become the managing director of Svenska Biografteatern, which Julius Jaenzon become part of in 1910. Notably, while under N. E. Sterner of Svensk Kinematograf, Charles Magnusson had photographed Konung ..."
2021-04-08, kl: 01:34
", photographed by Walfrid Bergstrom, and I kladloge och pascen , photographed by Otto Bokman. Charles Magnusson, who came to the United States, directed and wrote The Pirate and Memories from the Boston Sports Club in 1909 and Orpheus in the Underworld ( Urfeus i underjorden ) in 1910. Magnusson in 1909 had become the managing director of Svenska Biografteatern, which Julius Jaenzon become part of in 1910. Notably, while under N. E. Sterner of Svensk Kinematograf, Charles Magnusson had photographed Konung ..."