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Robotsvärm ska undersöka grottor på Mars

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-19, kl: 07:41
"Bild wikipedia T HEMIS bild av troliga grottingångar på Arsia Mons. Groparna har informellt döpts till (A) Dena, (B) Chloe, (C) Wendy, (D) Annie, (E) Abby (vänster) och Nikki, och (F) Jeanne. En enorm kanjon sträcker sig över Mars. Valles Marineris. Den är 3 000 kilometer lång, 600 kilometer bred och i genomsnitt åtta kilometer djup. Dess latinska namn går tillbaka till Mars sond" Marine r ", villken upptäckte dalen i början av 1970-talet. Sedan 2012 har denna stora kanjon fått särskild ..."

Comment on How Desperate is The Freewinds? by Aquamarine

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-19, kl: 06:01
"In reply to Alcoboy . No, Alco – on sale 75K each there will be 5’2″ Miscavige Bobbleheads to punch, but to actually punch the man himself they would have to charge a million at least. But personally if I had a choice I’d rather smear birthday cake all over his face, and then have this photo be on the cover of Impact Magazine. People love pictures of people with food smeared over their faces, apparently. And of course, he’s be standing there with his arms crossed, Sea Org Style…LOL..gorgeous… ..."

Joe Reaiche, 1958-2024: Former Aussie rugby pro turned Scientology whistleblower

INDEXERAT: 2024-09-18, kl: 19:09
"Stern radio show, with call-in guest Senator Alphonse D’Amato was posted this week. “Howard Stern: What?! You’re hanging out with that wacko? Alphonse D’Amato: John Travolta came to Capitol Hill yesterday and testified about the Scientologists who are being persecuted and being denied jobs and being boycotted…. Stern: And what did you do? Did you throw him out of there? D’Amato: His films aren’t being permitted to be shown in Germany because he’s a Scientologist. Stern: All right, do me a favor ..."

La Bête Humaine – Robert Singer on Beyond Realism: Naturalist Film in Theory and Practice

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-18, kl: 14:47
"... impressive body of work, in recent years Singer has taken on the enormous task of co-editing Edinburgh University Press’s game-changing ReFocus: The American Directors series (with Gary D. Rhodes and Frances Smith) and ReFocus: The International Directors ..."
", it also in a way feels like a bit of a provocation, and a demand that we expand our way of thinking about Naturalism in film very much “beyond realism”. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this more specifically! Todd Phillips Joker (2019 ..."

Gift vid första ögonkastet

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-18, kl: 12:26
"Alla dessa spexserier. Robinson, Första dejten, Hotell Romantik, Farmen och allt vad de nu heter. Deltagarna behandlas som filmstjärnor. Idag såg jag i en tidning alla deltagare till "Gift vid första ögonkastet" med namn, yrke, ålder mm . Vad är det för spex? Det är knappt att idrottsmän visas upp på detta sätt. Är det inte dags att dra i bromsen? Att f d idrottsmän presenteras inför t ex Superstars är väl en sak, men här skriver tidningarna om helt vanliga kärlekskranka och/eller småkåta ..."

Författarinlägg av Hanna Ljungberg

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-18, kl: 09:15
"... exploderar. Sigun arbetar som receptionist på tidningen Nybro-Nytt men är beredd att offra nästan vad som helst för att istället få skriva – till och med sin kropp. Tom har precis misslyckats med ett uppdrag kopplat till D-dagen, men får en chans ..."

En bra trigger......

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-18, kl: 05:58
"... men inte minst, gardinerna i linne som ryska syster sytt. Förresten så hade hon födelsdag igår... tur att jag redan gett henne present... D & G parfym som hon öppnade innan jobb idag ! Jag fortsätter gå omkring, vila, kolla serier och gnälla ..."

Comment on How Desperate is The Freewinds? by Dupe-lie-cated

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-18, kl: 00:19
"Sounds fishy. So your 30 guests fly all the way out to the Carribean, attend a ceremony, then go home? Guests don’t even get Hors d’oeuvres or refreshments? Music is “available” meaning additional costs. Do the bride and groom get FSM commissions for guests that take a course, accommodations, and fleecing by the regges? Now that sounds more like it."

Comment on I Would Follow David Miscavige Anywhere by Aquamarine

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-17, kl: 23:58
". No, she had him hooked, helplessly hooked on one of the oldest gypsy scams. Of course as his friend I started in on him to get rid of this woman, she was bleeding him dry, and once his bank account was empty she would disappear and he’d never see ..."

Campingviking. Camking? Vimping?

PUBLICERAT: 2024-09-17, kl: 17:39
"ändrade planer, det blir nog Dollarstore idag ändå. Vi måste handla mat säger han, så vi behöver ändå fara. Får se ifall jag kan ta en banan innan jag lämnar jobbet då, så att jag inte blir HANGRY på stan :D HA EN FIN KVÄLL HEJDÅ ..."

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# Term %
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with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and co
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"domain tools and websiteoutlook clone" "website design and programing by: eziscript.com"
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%252522domain tools and websiteoutlook clone%252522 %252522website design and programing by%25253a eziscript.com%252522
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."/rs=^adaxrkq1dur1.rc0ba2f23w2_2pc28-
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my story
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thea widmark*
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."/rs=
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my stories
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%22with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues.%22%2frs%3d%5eadad1rkren7datvjtulyuc9sp00pqu-
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."/rs=^adackulmavogk06pvho0wm0tx8tbw8-
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make up
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with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up
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domain tools and websiteoutlook clone website design and programing by%3a repoxr.com
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