2024-09-15, kl: 09:30
"Tjejmilen is an annual 10k race (since 1984), open only for women, (although I spotted at least one man in the race!). This year, nearly 20 000 runners took part. People come from all over the world to take part. Many streets were closed off in Stockholm, and there were spectators lining the streets everywhere. I had no problem riding my bike though and stopped at a number of places for photos. A few more photos in my album ."
2024-09-12, kl: 19:13
"... school in Clearwater, the Clearwater Academy. “A new private school using educational concepts promoted by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard is scheduled to open today downtown. Clearwater Academy International, at Drew Street and Myrtle Avenue ..."
": David Miscavige too busy saving Scientology from Covid to be served lawsuit [FIVE years ago] Hey, kids! It’s open mic night at your local Scientology spaceport! [SIX years ago] FLORIDA IS IDEAL: Scientology ushers in glorious new civilization ..."
2024-09-12, kl: 09:30
"Sillar/strömming med livbojar, en kommentar om läget i havet. Detta såg vi i Svartån på sidan om Örebro slott. Antar att detta också ingår i Open Art . Det är Malins man som fortsätter att vikariera ett tag till. På lite närmare håll. Undrar hur dom ..."
"... här men bara 10 grader varmt. #livbojar #Open #fisken #återvinningsmaterial #Skjulet #glasögonen #Jack ..."
2024-09-11, kl: 11:44
"Off topic, I have seen a lot of people in the prison tube section of YouTube, journalists and ex cons who post on crime and prison, covering the Emily Armstrong story and they have become aware of Danny Masterson and the Scientology cult hiding his crimes and attacking his victims, so they are very open to information about the many crimes of David Miscavige and they have a great space to share this information in. Similarly, the people who cover music and entertainment are welcoming ..."
2024-09-10, kl: 19:10
"... is ZOOMING. That would eat up all our reserves in a minute. So Hi Ho for the open sea. Farewell and adieu to you Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain. Until we strike soundings in the Channel of Old England. But we hope in a short ..."
2024-09-10, kl: 13:59
"Många av de bästa spelarna vilar så tunna startfält i Procore Championship och Irish Open. Det blir ett spel på damgolfen i Solheim Cup där USA på hemmaplan tar emot Europa som har haft bucklan de tre senaste tävlingarna. *** SPEL: Vinnare USA (Handikapp -1 / Bet365: 1.83 *** SÄNDNING Viaplay: Samtliga tre dagar Fredag 13:00 – 00:30 Lördag 13:00 – 00:30 Söndag 14:45 – 21:30 TV 6: Fredag 13 september 13.00–00.00 *** EUROPA Anna Nordqvist Sverige Maja Stark Sverige Linn Grant Sverige Madelene ..."
2024-09-09, kl: 16:30
"Mr T skriver för Malin Mr T här som fortsätter som bloggvikarie lite till. Lite fler bilder som Malin tog i Örebro 26 augusti. Det är från Slottsparken framför slottet där dom hade Open Art . På bilden en installation med speglar och längre fram kan ni se mig som går igenom denna Lustig figur som vilar sina fötter mot ett träd, rätt kul. Trodde först att någon somnat där men det var ju en skulptur. Från annan vinkel... En närbild på uslingen. Malin hittade detta klipp från Open Art 2024 ..."
2024-09-08, kl: 18:40
"I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article."
2024-09-08, kl: 08:56
"Free Open Source Poker Bot! Download right here: https://github . Feel free to visit my site ..."
2024-09-07, kl: 13:15
"... to Scientology ends in despair, as so many do [SEVEN years ago] Forced to open its books, one overseas Scientology rehab shows that business is grim [EIGHT years ago] Scientology’s secret sites: The Bunker premieres drone footage never before seen of ‘Int Base ..."