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The heat is on!

PUBLICERAT: 2024-06-25, kl: 06:00
"Hello Tuesday! THE HEAT IS ON! People, it is brutal here. Over the weekend we did reach a SICK 104F (40C). Fever. FEVER. FEVER!!! It is brutally humid on top of everything else. Is this nice? NO. IT. IS. NOT!! I ventured out at 6:10 yesterday morning.  The air was so thick I could have cut it.   Lake Thoreau was beautiful in the early morning light. I had a fun weekend, regardless. I did make those meatballs on Friday! I served them with boiled potatoes, lingonberries and cream sauce. A very ..."

The heat is on!

PUBLICERAT: 2024-06-25, kl: 06:00
"Hello Tuesday! THE HEAT IS ON! People, it is brutal here. Over the weekend we did reach a SICK 104F (40C). Fever. FEVER. FEVER!!! It is brutally humid on top of everything else. Is this nice? NO. IT. IS. NOT!! I ventured out at 6:10 yesterday morning.  The air was so thick I could have cut it.   Lake Thoreau was beautiful in the early morning light. I had a fun weekend, regardless. I did make those meatballs on Friday! I served them with boiled potatoes, lingonberries and cream sauce. A very ..."

Rudy G celebrates his 80th in Palm Beach and — surprise! — gets served indictment

PUBLICERAT: 2024-05-18, kl: 14:33
"Some links to Q-related items today Advertisement Rudy Giuliani was at a top Kari Lake advisor’s house in Palm Beach for his 80th birthday party when he was served his Arizona AG indictment papers, two sources who were there tell me. — Rachel Louise Just (@RLJnews) May 18, 2024 30 years in prison for David DePape, the man who seriously injured Nancy Pelosi's husband https://t.co/OfrRWP0REr — Mike Wendling (@mwendling) May 17, 2024 Mugshots from the Arizona fake elector case provided ..."

A boardwalk promenade at Lilla Essingen

PUBLICERAT: 2024-04-27, kl: 09:57
"I took the bike over to a tiny island in Stockholm called Lilla Essingen. Parked at a marina, took a photo of a few boats before walking along the shore and the boardwalk snapping away left and right, and here are the photos. The second photo shows the suburb Gröndal. Still in Gröndal on the third photo, but up on a hill called Ormberget. A century ago, the houses here were built for the working class. The cupola on the top building were often used as a landmark by sailors passing through Lake ..."

Lake Drevviken

PUBLICERAT: 2024-02-18, kl: 00:00
". Roughly 22 kilometers in, I stopped at the circular pier at Lake Drevviken. It rained all day Friday, so much of the snow is gone. But the ice was still thick enough for a few ice skaters out on the lake. You can check the quality of the ice online, it is updated daily, so I hope everyone was okay. The building on the top photo is famous. It was the first ever terrace house built in Sweden. It dates back to the 1950s. The architect was Axel Kandell."

Silent Film to be revised , miscelaneous notes

PUBLICERAT: 2023-11-30, kl: 05:01
"Kaarle Halme as Summer ( Kesa ) with Hilma Rantanen. In regard to film preservation, the film Terje Vigen was rediscovered from a German print in 2004 and the translated restored intertitles charmingly read Svenska Biografteatern at the top framed ..."
"... characters move not against the backdrop of field and lake and forest, but deep within the enveloping topography." ---------- Charles Magnusson in 1909 had hoped to film the novel The Wonderful Journey of Nils Holgersson , which Victor Sjöström had read ..."

Silent Film to be revised , miscelaneous notes

PUBLICERAT: 2023-11-14, kl: 04:35
"Kaarle Halme as Summer ( Kesa ) with Hilma Rantanen. In regard to film preservation, the film Terje Vigen was rediscovered from a German print in 2004 and the translated restored intertitles charmingly read Svenska Biografteatern at the top framed ..."
"... characters move not against the backdrop of field and lake and forest, but deep within the enveloping topography." ---------- Charles Magnusson in 1909 had hoped to film the novel The Wonderful Journey of Nils Holgersson , which Victor Sjöström had read ..."

Trump gun auction at Mar-a-Lago: Could it get 45 in trouble (again)?

PUBLICERAT: 2023-11-11, kl: 14:07
"— PatriotTakes (@patriottakes) November 10, 2023 Does anyone know what particular manufacturer and model gun this is? Theme: Trump Colors: Black, Silver, Gold Grip: Silver w/ Gold embellishment Top appears to say “Trump” Case may have presidential seal ..."
"... pic.twitter.com/rcehZTj2dJ — emily (@BeauBlaire) November 10, 2023 Arizona Senate Candidate Kari Lake selling books in Florida at Trump’s rally. pic.twitter.com/gkGqzyZn83 — PatriotTakes (@patriottakes) November 11, 2023 Looking for some background ..."

Spider-Man 2 Guide – All Spider-Bot Locations

PUBLICERAT: 2023-10-30, kl: 13:00
"... and 150 XP. Spiderman 2 – All Spider-Bots in Upper West Side The Upper West Side can be found right under Harlem and West of Central Park. It has a total of three Spider-Bots. Secret Wars Spider-Bot In the map, find the empty quadrangle at the top left of Upper West Side and head to the eastern building that encloses this space. The Spider-Bot can be found on the wall facing the park. This Spider-Bot rewards 100 Tech Parts and 150 XP. Dusk Spider-Bot The Dusk Spider-Bot can be found on top ..."

The holiday destination perfect for autumn breaks – with treetop walkways, ice ciders & an award-winning wine restaurant

PUBLICERAT: 2023-10-28, kl: 06:40
"... tranquil lakes. To observe the autumn colour in all its glory, Sentier des cimes in Laurentides has a tree-top walkway (£18.64pp, treetop-walks.com/ laurentides), woven through a ruby red forest, that climbs to 130ft above the ground. Or head to the ski resorts and hitch a gondola to the mountain peaks which offer a birds-eye view of colourful trees. Or grab your walking shoes and hike to the top instead. The resort at Mont Orford in the Eastern Townships has trails for varying abilities or Mont ..."

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# Term %
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domain tools and websiteoutlook clone website design and programing by: repoxr.com
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thea widmark*
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%22with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues.%22%2frs%3d
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my stories
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."
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"domain tools and websiteoutlook clone" "website design and programing by: prorepairsoftware.com
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google AND %28blog OR index%29
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."/rs=^adaxrkq1dur1.rc0ba2f23w2_2pc28-
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"domain tools and websiteoutlook clone" "website design and programing by: eziscript.com"
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with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and co
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about time
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make up
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domain tools and websiteoutlook clone website design and programing by%3a repoxr.com
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den rastl%c3%b6sa v%c3%a4lf%c3%a4rdsm%c3%a4nniskan
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let%27s dance
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this is my life
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"with this form you can create a new account. you can then post notices and link up to friends and colleagues."/rs=
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