2021-11-30, kl: 13:00
"... to its own prevarications and outrages. Here’s what happened this time. On November 11, Veterans Day, a gathering was held at Florida Veterans Memorial Plaza in Clearwater’s Crest Lake Park. Organized by the Veterans Alliance of Clearwater ..."
"Pulling Up Stakes? [TEN years ago] Hey, Scientology Celebrity, Here’s Your Media Training Checksheet! [ELEVEN years ago] Scientology ‘Dark Ops’ Program Exposed, Says Former Top Official [TWENTY-SIX years ago] Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlatans (The Rick ..."
2021-11-29, kl: 17:17
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2021-11-16, kl: 17:58
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2021-11-12, kl: 17:57
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2021-11-09, kl: 22:17
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2021-11-06, kl: 22:29
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2021-11-05, kl: 12:00
". But then, in the late 1970s, Scientology passed through a harrowing test when it was raided by the FBI and 11 top Scientologists, including Hubbard’s wife, Mary Sue, were sent to prison for conspiring to burglarize government offices, the notorious Snow White ..."
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2021-11-01, kl: 23:23
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2021-10-20, kl: 11:09
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